Activision Still Trades at a Big Discount to Microsoft’s Deal. Investors Are Making a Mistake.

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Activision Blizzard says Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, pictured, is the fastest-selling title in the franchise’s history.

Courtesy of Activision

Back in July, Barron’s made the case for buying Activision Blizzard stock in anticipation of Microsoft closing its $69 billion acquisition of the company. With Activision shares trading at a significant discount to the deal price, the stock looked closest to a sure thing in an increasingly uncertain market.

Four months later, the risks of the deal falling apart over antitrust concerns haven’t changed. What has changed is the outlook for Activision’s business. The firm behind Call of Duty and Candy Crush is suddenly doing quite well on its own.

Activision Still Trades at a Big Discount to Microsoft’s Deal. Investors Are Making a Mistake.

Back in July, for buying Activision Blizzard stock in anticipation of Microsoft closing its $69 billion acquisition of the company.

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